Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Good Luck Charms

May the road rise up to meet you.

May the wind always be at your back.

May the sun shine warm upon your face,

And rains fall soft upon your fields.

And until we meet again, may God

Hold you in the palm of His hand.

Irish Blessing                                                               

 This is originally what I wanted to post last week.

St. Patrick’s Day is coming and I wanted to try to do something for the special day. I realize I’m in the UK and there is a bit of animosity between the British and the Irish; but I’m American! We celebrate all the holidays! If it’s fun, and you can have special food or drinks - we’re celebrating it! There's a saying back home "Everyone's Irish on St Patrick's Day". Growing up we always had special treats; Irish Potatoes are a delicacy at home. I found out the other year that they are a Philadelphia cuisine, found no place else - they are delicious!  They are candy made of coconut, cream cheese and cinnamon rolled up to look like small potatoes. As I got older I got to do my own thing; I would buy Irish Soda Bread which is different at home it's sweet and has raisins in it; the last year I was home I made my own. And I'd make corned beef and cabbage until I stopped eating beef. I still ate the cabbage though, it's my favorite vegetable.

A few years ago I went to Belfast to visit my friend for St. Patrick’s Day weekend. It was supposed to be a load of fun but my job messed up my paycheck so when I woke up in Belfast Friday morning I hadn’t beenpaid. We made the most of it though. My friend and I went to Derry on Saturday, we went to the parade on Sunday and walked around Belfast. We went to a café in Belfast and I got soda bread, it wasn't the same. Friday we went to a beautiful town called Killough which is on the Irish Sea. The tide was out and we walked on the seabed collecting oyster shells – I was scared to death! But Ireland was beautiful! We may not have made it to Dublin (maybe next time) but it was a lot of fun.

I wanted to get these published so that if anyone wanted a pair there is enough time to get them before the big day. There are actually two styles; one is a single shamrock, the other is a set of two shamrocks. They both feature glass tube beads that have roughly been shaped to look like a shamrock. The single shamrocks hang less than an inch from the ear so they are quite small, they would also be appropriate for a girl.  The double shamrocks hang an inch and a quarter from the ear. Both have silver plated findings and can be fitted with the fish hook, kidney wire or clip on.

£3.50 including UK shipping, $7.00 including US shipping.


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